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The first three years of life are crucial in a child’s development. During this period he learns to stand and walk, to interact with others, to communicate and develop basic cognitive skills.

To continue his development, the child finds in School a new environment that stimulates his abilities at a cognitive, social and emotional level. Early childhood education centers (0-3 years) carry out important work with children and all of this would not be possible without the work of competent and involved educators with and for the little ones.

In our School, the educators schedule daily activities designed to achieve the comprehensive development of children, they plan content, objectives, transversal axes and integrate the development of multiple intelligences.


The main advantages of the Nursery School are:

  • Create new spaces for interaction with children of the same age and with adults that enhance their development.
  • Stimulates verbal and gestural communication through games and other group activities.
  • Strengthens emotional ties with people and stimulates empathy.
  • It contributes to the achievement of children’s independence and autonomy, as well as the formation of habits and routines.
  • Stimulates emotional self-control and assertiveness in conflict resolution.
  • Strengthens the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence, as he or she becomes more independent and acquires new learning.
  • Develops fine motor skills, mainly through games and plastic activities. In addition, it also stimulates motor coordination through games that involve physical skills.
  • Teach the child the basic rules of coexistence and respect for others.
  • Develops their creativity and imagination, mainly through stories and role plays.
  • It promotes language development and the acquisition of new words, which considerably expand the child’s vocabulary.
  • Enhances the acquisition of complex cognitive skills and stimulates the development of thinking.

Marisa Serralta

Pedagogical Coordinator

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