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At La Mar Salada we develop our psychomotor program in which we carry out motor activities and games outdoors daily, in a fun way.

Among our Objectives we highlight:

-Achieve psychological maturation through the body, action, play and movement.

-Work on the process that goes from the pleasure of thinking to the pleasure of doing.

-Enhance communication through the body, posture and movement.

-Be able to create game situations, through objects.

-Work on security and self-confidence.

-The development of the symbolic function through the pleasure of doing, playing and creating.

With this project we give children the opportunity to experience different experiences that generate numerous mental representations in them. From these, they will establish creative relationships with the world around them.

We want our students to experience movement intensely so that, later, they use the strategies that allow the passage from the body to thought.

We want our Schools to be a place of emotion, communication and development, creating an environment of emotional security, where children feel the excitement of knowing and preparing them to investigate and learn.

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