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Without realizing it, they have already turned three years old and in a few months they will start going to school.

Do you already know which one?Choosing a school can be a dilemma for parents, since it is difficult to choose a center given the wide educational offer that exists: bilingual? Religious? Public or private school?

We leave you some recommendations.

What is the educational project of the center? The way in which they transmit knowledge at school: what learning method they use and whether they have any specific pedagogical orientation.

1 – How many students are there per class?The normal ratio in Spain is 20 to 30 students per classroom. If the school has smaller classes it is a point in its favor, because the attention to the child will be more personalized.
2 – How far is the school?It is important to take this aspect into account, because depending on where you are, you will have to take transportation or not. Additionally, if you have to go pick it up, it will be subject to our work schedule. However, it is not decisive, because sometimes it compensates for what the school offers us even if it is further away. It all depends on the parents’ preferences.
3 – What importance do you give to languages?Do you offer other languages ​​besides English and Spanish?
4 – What is the school’s ideology?What are the moral, religious and ideological lines of the center. These must adapt to the education we want to give our children and our beliefs, so that there are no contradictions.
5 – What is day-to-day life like at the center?To do this, there is nothing better than visiting the school, seeing what the classes are like, finding out how they distribute their time, talking to other parents who have their children there about their experience… In short, seeing first hand how they are going to be. the children at school.
6 – Does it include a dining room?And if so, what type of food do they offer? Beyond the knowledge that may be acquired at school, a healthy and balanced diet is decisive for the health and development of the child.
7 – What extracurricular activities do you offer?Extracurricular activities are important so that the child can develop other skills and abilities. Pay attention to their tastes and the center’s offerings.
8 – What time do they leave school?The center’s schedules must be compatible with the parents’ work and activities, so that the child can be well cared for and there are never problems when picking him or her up.


The main goal is to find a place where the child is happy in a motivating and safe environment. Her well-being is the guarantee that she will develop emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.

Marisa Serralta

Pedagogical Coordinator


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