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Sphincter control is a natural process in the maturational development of the child, generally from the age of 2. From the School we accompany you in this process, in a natural and very attractive way for the little ones.

When is the time?

  • It bothers him to have a wet diaper.
  • Let him know that he has a dirty diaper.
  • Shows signs of wanting to pee or poop.
  • There is a period of time with a dry diaper.

Some considerations

  • We will take advantage of diaper changes to familiarize the child with the toilet.
  • If the decision is made to remove the diaper, you have to be consistent. It is inadvisable to remove the diaper at some times of the day and put it on at others. The child will not understand it and it will be more difficult to move forward in the process.
  • We will explain the new situation calmly.
  • Accompany him to the bathroom from time to time (the first days every 45 minutes and little by little increase the time)
  • Put children in easy-to-remove clothes.
  • Use REWARDS, praise successes, reward progress with HUGS, KISSES AND Cuddles, and downplay failures.
  • The child must feel like an important part of the process. Toilet training can also be taught through games, and will be achieved if the child feels safe and understood.

And from here: We encourage you to continue and we will accompany you from La Mar Salada.

Pedagogical Coordinator.

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