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We have all faced the question of whether the toy we have chosen is the right one at some point.

It is advisable to observe the developmental stage and interests of each child when choosing the toys that best support their fantasies and games. They are an effective tool to stimulate learning and development of aspects such as communication and creativity.

We have to keep in mind that depending on the type of toy, a different type of development is stimulated:

  • Sensory: Toys that contain music, sounds, bright colors or different textures help us learn about the environment through the senses.
  • Motor: Games that require hand-eye coordination, precision and fine or gross motor skills, with jumping, crawling or dancing movements exercise psychomotor skills.
  • Social: Collective games, whether between equals or family members, involve the development of relationship and communication strategies, acceptance of rules, respect for turns and other social skills.
  • Knowledge: From table games to construction games, this type of game involves knowledge that is exercised in each turn or movement, such as attention, memory, creativity, musical sense, logic…

As a guide, age can be a reference;

  • From 0 to 3 years old, the child’s evolution is marked by his sensory abilities. From following brightly colored objects with his gaze, to touching and tasting everything he can, to conquering balance. However, we will have to be attentive to its rapid changes so as not to fall into a gap between the toy and the child’s ability to have fun with it.
  • From 3 to 6 years old, children are interested in toys that stimulate dexterity, activity, the creative spirit… Any toy that promotes physical, intellectual and social development will be appropriate.

And don’t forget…


Sources: AMEI, World Association of Early Childhood Educators

Pedagogical Coordination

Marisa Serralta

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