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Sensitivity in children: What is it and how to enhance it?

Sensology is the science of non-verbalizable sensations. It is one that studies and develops the part of the brain that does not know how to express itself with words. (Carles Bayod Serafini)

How to enhance sensitivity in children?

The first function of sensology is to provide tools to be able to fix sensations in time and thus be able to contemplate them, use them and reform them if necessary. Children need to complement the knowledge they are acquiring with the sensations that this knowledge generates, to create relationships among these to enhance your creativity. This way they will relate better to different knowledge and to art.

La sensología en los niños

The first and most important thing that this science considers in the education of our children is the deep knowledge of themselves as unique beings. In order to achieve this, there are six levels of learning to enhance your entire brain through play:

  1. Feel and express feelings

Children learn to feel with sensation games as well as to express themselves and enhance their ability to feel, express and relate their emotions. It is like an exercise of sensitivity and creativity.

  1. Feel and express themselves

At this second level they begin to feel and express what they feel about themselves, physically and mentally, in order to learn to know themselves and develop from what they really are.

  1. Feel others and empathize with them

Children, at this third level, learn to feel and express the people with whom they relate, to empathize with them, to feel them and to integrate them into their lives.

  1. Feel the environment and integrate

At this fourth level, you learn to feel the environment, to express it and to dialogue with it. They discover “aesthetics” as an evolutionary, creative and therapeutic element.

  1. Discover the subjects and integrate them into themselves

At this fifth level, they will know how to express and integrate the subjects into their personal world, achieving much higher academic performance, avoiding academic failure and improving their emotional relationships with the different class subjects.

  1. Feel art and express yourself through it

This sixth level is dedicated to art. The science of sensations delves into its nature and mechanisms of perception and expression, its influence on childhood and the development of its ability to perceive and express it.

How to apply sensology?

Fundamentally, sensology is applied through sensation games or ‘sensogames’, which stimulate, organize and express all the non-verbal capacity of children, enriching, in turn, their verbal and conceptual intelligence.

Through sensory games, the different levels of learning that we have seen previously, included in the book “Let’s Play to Feel”, are applied. Playing is what they like most, even the elderly, so learning through these hobbies has to be the highest aspiration of good pedagogy.

Carles Bayod Serafini

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