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We are living in an exciting historical moment in the world of education, in which the inner growth of children begins to be more valued by educators. An interior that, beyond the mere accumulation of information about the world and the acquisition of skills and abilities of reading, writing, calculation and reasoning, reveals a true internal cultivation through the emotional development of children.

Children live in a wonderful “ahorismo” in which all their desires have to be urgently realized “right now.” The path that leads to learning to manage that spontaneous impulsivity with which we are naturally born is, without a doubt, long, and is done by accompanying each step with sustained attention.

Each moment of frustration for the child can be seen as an opportunity, rather than as a new setback. The emotional world develops and enriches only when the emotion occurs and has (its) place. When we see the angry, terrified, heartbroken child…

Do we try to make the emotion disappear as soon as possible? How uncomfortable do these emotions make us? Are we able to sustain them?

As adults, we see that the situations that have provoked these emotions are seen from a disproportionate and distorted perspective by the child’s mind; We clearly see that “it’s not a big deal,” and that “there’s no reason to get like this.” “That’s it, come on, it’s over… let it go.”

As if it were so simple! Learning to let go of emotions and “let them go” is surely one of the most complex skills that can be learned through the practice of Mindfulness.

Some benefits of Mindfulness for children.

  • It allows them to train the ability to pay attention to the present, with a kind attitude and without judgment.
  • Through their daily practice, they develop and train the ability to focus and concentrate.
  • They develop the ability to regulate their emotions, promoting states of calm.
  • They experience a reduction in stress and anxiety.
  • They improve their self-control, regulation and ability to reflect, reducing their impulses.
  • They are more aware of themselves: their body, their emotions, thoughts and behavior.
  • They increase active and present listening to each other. Children are more connected with themselves and, therefore, also with others. Increases empathy and improves their relationships both with themselves and with their environment.
  • Increases your body awareness, allowing you to develop health care skills.
  • Identification with their thoughts or circumstances decreases, so judgment and criticism towards them and towards others also decreases.
  • They obtain greater emotional and psychological balance.


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