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After Christmas we find ourselves at home with boxes stacked with games and toys that the little ones have received. What a joy to see them under the tree and their amazed faces!

Below we leave you some lines regarding the importance of playing with children.

Play is a fundamental activity for development and learning in childhood. If we look at a child we can see that, practically from birth, he enjoys playing. At first, it manifests itself with simple body movements that, little by little, expand and become more complex to introduce other elements.

With just 10 or 15 minutes a day we will achieve the following benefits of playing as a family:

  • Promotes spontaneous play, through communication and understanding.
  • Boost self-esteem by giving them time and attention.
  • It promotes social and emotional skills, since the family is the first context in which they develop.
  • Promotes emotional control.
  • Encourages creativity and imagination.
  • Improves attention.
  • Boost activity
  • Promotes happiness.

The games will change according to their ages and preferences, whether they are played individually or in a group, whether they are developed freely or directed.

But gaming can be much more than just entertainment, as it helps them grow in various areas. If games are used appropriately, they can become teaching activities that allow highly motivating learning for children.


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